Burning Bridges

When I was a younger and very immature, I really didn't know the meaning of "Burning Bridges". I mean, I did, but I REALLY didn't. As a woman in her late 40's, I now TRULY know the meaning of burning bridges. I'd always heard people say, "you should never burn your bridges because you never know when you might have to cross back over them." As a young person you don't really fully get the feeling of the road you're traveling down. You don't realize that your life is a journey. No, when you're young you can't see past the end of your nose to see 20 minutes ahead, or tomorrow or next week, next month, next year. You can't see that on your journey you will encounter bridges. Those bridges are not always tangible or clearly defined as they are in real life. 

In real life when you're driving down the road and you see a structure that crosses over a body of water or land, it is very definite that you are on a supported structure. It's visual and tangible. In our lives we don't always see that people in our lives and relationships or opportunities are sometimes those supported structures=bridges. And when unfortunate or unforeseen things happen in those relationships the potential is there for a bridge to be burned. I can honestly say that has happened to me. Some bridges burned were my fault, some not. Some were set on fire by someone else and I had no choice but to move on. Some I clearly brought all the gasoline and matches and set that sucker a flame! However, MY bridge was burned. 

Sometimes we don't think we'll ever go down that road again, so we think,"so what, let it burn". Sometimes we're sad that the other person set the fire on the other side so we can never or want to go down that road again. I've had bridge burning ceremonies where I don't want to ever cross over that bridge nor do I want anyone else crossing over to my side! NO matter what the reason, the reality is that a relationship or tie has been severed. It's learning from that incident and truly seeing what YOUR part in that relationship was and how to NOT make that same mistake again, especially if the relationship is important to you. I've learned this both personally and professionally. Learning it professionally and applying it to my life was a good thing for me. However, most people learn it the other way around! Not me! I have to learn things the hard way! Now days I'm really really REALLY reflecting on my bridges. I want to feel good mentally, emotionally and spiritually when I leave here and I don't want to feel bad about anything done or undone. 
Looking back at all my burned bridges , I can see that relationship or situation in my mind, and I can honestly say, there was always a sign or feeling in my gut where I knew at some point the decision I was about to make, was going to result in something that I was not going to likeIn my experience I have learned to ALWAYS ALWAYS  A L W A Y S TRUST your gut! God has graciously given us women the gift of intuition. God speaks to us ever so quietly sometimes that we have to really really listen. Its never easy, but it is always there, it's up to us to pick up on it. Then the rest is solely up to us. 

On the other side of that, sometimes with a little time a bridge can be repaired and rebuilt. I feel that this kind of bridge has the most strength and the firmest foundation. It is the biggest and tallest bridge and it usually can withstand the storms and weight of the travelers a little better, especially since it's already had some wear and tear and some road work. It's the experience from the past that helps give that bridge it's flexibility. It's where 2 people can come together and replace the stones of friendship so that both can cross freely and happily. It is definitely a bridge worth saving and cherishing forever. 

Our lives are like road maps. They show us where we are, where we've been and where we want to go. They can show us how to get there and show us the easiest route. Sometimes those routes are eventful and scenic, sometimes they're desolate and lonely. Which ever roads you choose always remember that there will always inevitably be a bridge or 2 or 3 or more. It's your decision how you will cross your bridges. Will you cross back over, save, or burn that bridge? THAT is up to you. May your life's travels be a journey you'll be proud to share with others in the future.   

*I wrote this a few years ago, but thought I'd share it again. 


  1. I totally agree that those bridges that are rebuilt are the strongest! those are the structures that have the best foundation cause you've weathered the storm. But you know me! I'm all about life is a journey!


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