
Showing posts from March, 2013

Burning Bridges

When I was a younger and very immature, I really  didn't  know the meaning of "Burning Bridges". I mean, I did, but I REALLY didn't. As a woman in her late 40's, I now TRULY know the meaning of burning bridges. I'd always heard people say, "you should never burn your bridges because you never know when you might have to cross back over them." As a young person you don't really fully get the feeling of the road you're traveling down. You don't realize that your life is a journey. No, when you're young you can't see past the end of your nose to see 20 minutes ahead, or tomorrow or next week, next month, next year. You can't see that on your journey you will encounter bridges. Those bridges  are not always tangible or  clearly defined as they are in real life.  In real life when you're driving down the road and you see a structure that crosses over a body of water or land, it is very definite that you are on a suppor